2022.11.28 We're starting a mental health Foundation + More Things!


Okay, first of all, some housekeeping: in addition to the site being 25% off, you can use code WANNACYBERMONDAY22 for free shipping on all orders today only! Also, Bagelsuits are not in the graphic above but are very much included in the sale.

Now that the business is out of the way: It's been a wild week. My last e-mail revealed something personal about my mental health journey. If you didn't see it, and want to read it now, here is a link.

I was fucking floored by the response. I still am. I got hundreds of messages from people I had never spoken to, some that I have a few times, and some that I have known for decades (like elementary school people) and haven’t heard from in almost as long. So many of you have personal connections to or are someone that goes through mental health issues. So many others just wanted to thank me for sharing my story and attempting to normalize these conversations. Think about how many mental health crises could have been averted if, throughout history, people knew that they were going through what millions of other people go through, as opposed to thinking they should be ashamed for struggling with substance abuse and behavioral & personality disorders. How many people have we lost because they felt they couldn't talk to anyone about what they were going through without being looked at differently for the rest of their lives? 

One day, I would love to open up treatment centers to help people that struggle with the same issues I do. After my harrowing and pathetic (for the city and them) experience at Community Care Hospital in New Orleans, I have seen what the worst-case scenario is with mental health treatment. No one should have to go through what I did and what thousands of people go through every year in this city alone. So that’s the goal, to one day have treatment facilities that heal you, where you receive counseling, progressive therapies, meditation, yoga, exercise, things that actually help people get better and stay better. 

But we’re not quite there yet. I don’t have “open up a treatment center” type of money, lol. Not yet. In the meantime, though, I am going to start the “Appreciate You Foundation” (working title, please feel free to send over your suggestions!) that helps address that will work to improve conditions in existing mental health facilities, starting in New Orleans and then branching out as it grows. A percentage of proceeds from Cyber Monday sales will go to the formation and operation of this organization that will help reform a system and help out some people that could really use a fucking break. 

I would also like to build a network/online community for like-minded people to have open discussions with people that understand where they're coming from. My brother recommended a Discord server; are you into that? If you'd be interested in this (or have a discord alternative you're into), let me know, and we'll get it going!

If you are one of the many people who reached out after you read what I wrote last week and haven’t gotten back to you, I will do so this week. I’m sorry, I’ve just been slammed, and reading those and writing back to them puts me in my feelings, so I have to do it sparingly.

As always, hit me up if you need anything or have any questions. And if shit sucks right now, try and imagine being passed the situation that has you down. There will be a time in the not-too-distant future when the problems you're facing right now will not feel as all-encompassing and devastating as they do now. We have to know we're going to get there and try and enjoy even the unpleasant parts of the journey. Because at least we get to take the journey.

Alright, I think this joint is getting the best of me, lol. Have a great night; speak to you soon; appreciate the shit out of you.


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  • ikmhucpUfMZRAWox


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